Resource Augmentation

Resource augmentation allows you to leverage external talent, swiftly address skill gaps, and scale the team according to project demands. It ensures flexibility which is crucial in the dynamic field of IT. Additionally, it reduces the overhead costs associated with hiring full-time employees, such as benefits and long-term salaries, making it a cost-effective solution for short-term projects or fluctuating workloads. By integrating seamlessly with existing teams, augmented resources maintain continuity and ensure that the company's culture and standards are upheld.

Fixed Cost Approach

In our Fixed Cost Approach we define the project scope and budget upfront so that clients have greater financial predictability and control. A clear understanding of project requirements from the outset allows more effective planning and resource allocation, and a fixed cost enhances client trust and satisfaction, as clients have the assurance that there will be no hidden costs. The fixed cost approach drives efficiency and focus which eventually results in delivery of high-quality results. By reducing the need for constant budget adjustments and negotiations, this model allows teams to concentrate on innovation and problem-solving, ultimately leading to more successful project outcomes.

Buckets Approach

If your Project Scope can evolve or it may change frequently, we offer Bucket Approach for such projects. This flexible model involves purchasing a predefined "bucket" of hours that can be allocated to various tasks as needed, providing a dynamic and adaptable framework for managing project workloads. Bucket Approach offers flexibility, resource allocation, resource management to handle current demands and shifting needs. It also brings transparency and predictability in billing, with a clear understanding of the cost associated with each hour of work. This approach also improves collaboration between us and client by regular review of progress and adjusting priorities.

Time and Material

In scenarios where flexibility and adaptability are of importance the Time and Material (T&M) approach is most suitable. This approach facilitates greater collaboration between the client and development team, ensuring that the project can adapt to new insights, market demands, or technological advancements without the constraints of a rigid budget. It also allows for a more iterative and incremental development process, enabling teams to deliver functional parts of the project more quickly and gather feedback for continuous improvement. T&M contracts are easier to negotiate and modify, allowing for smoother management of scope changes and unexpected challenges.