Choosing a web agency may seem like a simple action that requires a few clicks on Google. In fact, using search terms such as “web agency”, “website development” or others, the results are not lacking. But what is the real quality of these results? How to choose a web agency that really knows how to grow your business and give value to your online investment?
Attention because I am not talking about those “all inclusive” services at 99 dollars or so, which literally pollute the market and which I consider suitable (perhaps) for the small shop under the house (if they really need a website). I speak of the choice of a “serious” web agency for the selection of which we often rely only on the price, as if this were a sufficient yardstick to establish seriousness and skills.
Actually I would say that the choice of an agency is a very delicate thing, which deserves a lot of attention as it is a strategic decision for your company.
Not being online today is a limit that only a few can afford. If you are looking for a web agency that can guide you in the most correct strategic choices and carry out your online projects in the best way, it is good that you keep in mind some factors and maybe base your choice on them.
1. The website
The first factor is certainly the agency’s website! I already wrote it in a previous articles, the saying “the shoemaker goes with broken shoes” does not suit web agencies and communication agencies. If an agency communicates badly through its site, how do you think it will behave towards your work? Exactly… better let it go and look elsewhere.
2. Portfolio / Case History
The second relevance factor is the references. Who is not proud of their jobs, customers or success stories? Well, if among the works carried out, the clients mentioned or the case studies, there is nothing relevant or that captures your taste or your attention, perhaps it is not the agency for you.
3. How do you approach your project?
Assuming you have selected the agency to contact, the question is: how does it relate to you and your project? Do you carefully evaluate your requests? Is it proactive in the preliminary analysis phase? Are you trying to speak your language or are you just filling your mouth with barker terms? Does the interlocutor you relate to give the impression of knowing what he is talking about or is he more of a seller looking for customers and commissions?
4. The technological factor
As far as you can understand, does the agency plan to adopt modern and innovative technologies? What CMS do you intend to use? What vision do you have of mobile consultation and therefore of the responsive factor? How do you deal with design? What guarantees of assistance, support and platform upgrades does the agency offer you?
5. Goals people, goals…
As simple as true: “if you don’t set a goal you don’t know where you’re going!” and therefore it is essential to immediately ask the right questions and establish what the objectives you want to achieve are. If it is not the agency itself that deals with this issue first, perhaps it is better to look elsewhere.
6. Cost and value of the project
Undoubtedly, in the end it all comes down to reading that last fateful page of the document of specifications and conditions of supply called estimate. Cost is undoubtedly an important factor in every project (not just the web), and costs will inevitably vary from agency to agency based on the various factors listed above.
In this regard, in my opinion there are no absolute rules to be respected, even if the good old saying of the grandmother “so pay, so eat” is always very current. But here it is not just a matter of spending because, if you invest 500, 5,000 or 50,000 dollars, if the investment does not generate any return or value, it will still be “money thrown away”.
If possible, ask for objective data on the return on investments in e-Commerce (obviously related to your sector). Compare yourself about the tangible results that a blog can bring to your brand reputation. Evaluate the conversions that the new website will generate and so on… Data is important. Shopping is important, but achieving certain results is priceless!
For everything else there is (hopefully) the web agency that you will choose.