Investing App Development India

How to Create an Investing App in 2023: Must-Have Features and Cost

In today’s rapidly changing world, individuals prefer using their smartphones to complete tasks quickly and easily, whether it’s an online meal ordering app, a prescription purchasing app, or anything else. An investment management app is also included. Using safe investing IOS and Android apps, people track their investments, create budgets, and invest in bonds, stocks, and other securities. Popular options in this category include Robinhood, Acorns, and Mint. If you plan to develop a mobile app for investors, you need carefully consider your target demographic. Micro-investments have grown in popularity because 69% of Americans have less than $1,000 in their bank account. Investment app development necessitates knowledge and a thorough understanding of financial technologies and the market.

Market Overview of Investment Apps

Investment apps have transformed how people invest their money. Many individuals prefer mobile-friendly solutions since they are simple to use. According to Robinhood, there were

. Searches for investing apps have surged by approximately 115% year on year.

. The global online trading industry is expected to grow at a global CAGR of over 6.4% each year by 2026, reaching approximately $13.3 billion.

. The stock trade app industry is expected to reach $13.6 billion in 2022, with a target of $89.8 billion by 2032.

. The market size is estimated to be 20.8% in 2032.

. According to the Bankrate poll, approximately 55% of Americans use at least one banking app; 40%, 70%, and 17% of these had a peer-to-peer payment app, a stand-alone budgeting tool, and a stand-alone investing app installed in their mobile, respectively.

Global Online Trading Market From 2020 with forecasts to 2026

Global Online Trading Market From 2020 with forecasts to 2026

Types of Investment Apps

Investment app development needs planning. It is better to decide on the application type ahead of time because the chosen type defines the required functionality. There are three sorts of investment apps that are widely used: Banking app, Investing App, Exchanged-traded funds apps

Best Examples of Investment Apps

It is preferable to investigate existing market solutions before commencing your project. Investment app creation necessitates attention to detail, therefore here are the top four services for you to choose.

Best Examples of Investment Apps

What Kinds of Investment Apps Do You Want to Develop?

Stock Trading App

This type of investment app is designed to make stock trading easier. They are designed intuitively to ensure that stock market investments can be done at any time or location.

Bank Investment App

Such apps enable users to invest in and execute specific company operations at any time and from any location. Bank investment apps are often held by financial institutions.

Users can quickly make investments and open IRA accounts using such banking apps. Users can also use such apps to check their bank account balances and financial transactions, accept loans, save money, and perform other banking tasks.

Standalone Investment Apps

These apps are designed to provide a wide range of investment options to a specific audience. These apps are classified into several categories:

Human Advisor

The technology used to connect a financial advisor team with users looking for investment advice digitally is the most important aspect of this online investment app platform.

Such apps can be a hybrid or solo investment advisory with this functionality.

Hybrid Advising

A hybrid app links the main features of Robo-advice and DIY investment platforms.

The app directs users to online investment platforms to make specific choices based on AI-predicted trends.

Do It Yourself (DIY)

Such an investing solution is designed to be intuitive for both professionals and laypeople. Most of the time, these products have two interfaces: one with basic functionality for ordinary people and another with lots of features for professionals.

competent software development company

Robo Advisor

A financial app of this type is designed to help users make wise investment decisions and achieve their financial goals. To forecast future market trends, the Robo-advisor app employs AI, big data analysis, a news feed, and an algorithm.

All-in-One Investment Super App

Such apps address a wide range of financial and investing needs, including money management, best investment options, budgeting, stock trading, mutual fund investing, personal investment management, portfolio management, retirement planning, and much more. This type of app development service will target a wide range of people with varying needs, providing various financial solutions through a single app.

How to Develop a Mobile Investment App?

With rising user expectations and demand, a solid financial app has become a must-have. A user-friendly and functioning software must adhere to a well-structured method in order to remain competitive, relevant, or better in the long run.

Below Are the Steps You Should Follow for Financial Software Development:

Below Are the Steps You Should Follow for Financial Software Development:

Conduct Deep Market Research

Before designing any web or mobile solution, thorough market research must be conducted to identify possible competitors, significant trends they follow, potential users, and their preferences and wants.

Steps to Emerge with Something Useful:
  1. Identify your target demographic, including gender, age, investment experience, and income level. This can help you tailor your study to the needs and preferences of your target market.
  2. You can explore investing areas and incorporate them while designing your fintech software development to make it stand out in the industry to uncover market prospects and comprehend the latest trends.
  3. Research your possible competitors by investing in market tools, platforms, and apps, and understanding their pricing strategy, features, and marketing strategies.
  4. Contact your potential investing app, run an audit, and conduct interviews to gather client feedback, including the features and functionalities they need in apps.
  1. Keep an eye on the latest investing industry updates and news to match the steps of advanced trends and development that may effect your app.
  2. Thorough market research will provide you with vital information that you may use to create successful financial management software.

Comply with Regulations

Depending on the investment app you’re creating and the market in which it’ll be available, you’ll need to meet a variety of legal standards.

Investment Adviser Regulations

If your app provides investment advice or investment recommendations to users, you should consider hiring an investment adviser and complying with investment adviser laws.

Anti-money Laundering Regulations

If your investment app allows money transfers or investments, you should think about anti-money laundering requirements, which may entail detecting and reporting questionable activities.

Consumer Protection Regulations

Some consumer protection regulations to keep an eye on while designing your app are data privacy and financial disclosures. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and other laws may be included.

Hire App Development Team

When selecting a banking app development business or a team of specialists to accomplish your project, keep the following points in mind:

Make certain that the developers you choose are financial technology professionals. They must have the necessary development capabilities. Communicate effectively and interact with the app development team. Adhere to the agile development methodology. Adapt to changes in needs and scope as necessary.

List Out Necessary Features

You should divide your app feature list into two categories:

MVP and advanced. You might begin with the most fundamental and significant elements that may suit the user’s basic requirements. 

When your app is performing as expected and generating the required ROI, you can implement more advanced features.

Craft an Engaging UX/UI Design

Creating an investment app with the necessary functionality will not drive traffic to your app. You should employ an engaging user interface (UI) to interest consumers in your app. For your app development investment, you should engage UX/UI design services to create the necessary screens for your apps on various operating systems.

Go With the Right Tech Stack

The technologies you use for your financial software app development will assure the project’s scalability and reliability. To get successful in your enterprise, you should choose the correct technology and architecture for your app ahead of time.

The technology stack is determined by the needs of your project. You should contact a financial software development business to choose the best tech stack for your needs.

Develop Your Investment App

It’s time to get started on your investing app development. 

App development is one of the longest stages. To make the app development process more structured, divide it into sections known as sprints.

Each sprint would take at least two weeks to complete.  During this time, app developers normally implement the required element of your app’s functionality. The QAs run tests on your financial apps to find flaws.

Release Your Product

The last step in investing in app development is to launch your project. You must now launch your investment app on Google Play or the App Store.

Must-Have Features of Investment Apps Development

Onboarding & Registration:  

Your app should allow users to easily register using their email address, phone number, or other methods. In addition, to ensure that users are genuine, the app should need document verification.  After the user has registered, take them on a tour of your app, showing them the most important features and the financial funnel.

Investor Portfolio:

Users should be able to use your app to manage, alter, and amend their investment portfolios. They should be able to examine their financial holdings, analyze asset statistics, and expand their portfolios.

Analytics and statistics in real-time: Display the most up-to-date market information on your mobile app. You can display asset performance data, allow users to track their earnings, and do other things. You may display analytics and statistics using graphs and charts.

Personal Profiles:

A personal profile may include information about a user, their portfolio, and the payment portfolio they have chosen.

Withdrawal Capability

Allow your users to withdraw their investments to their bank accounts whenever they wish. According to the trading regulations. To do so, you must connect your app to a bank account.

Online Purchases

To ensure safe transactions, including a secure payment system in your app. Payment gateways such as Braintree, PayPal, Stripe, and others are ideal for this.

Rankings of Investment Alternatives

Any investing app must offer customers some direction in the face of rankings or data. You can highlight successful investment ideas that have recently or recently uncovered growth to help investors make an informed decision.

Sorting and Searching of Stocks

Allow your users to search for stocks by using the sorting and filtering options in your app. Also, for easier navigation, divide items into different categories. To provide a better user experience, a predictive search would be ideal.

Portfolio tracking for investments

It covers the tracking of individual investment portfolios.

Educational Materials

Users will gain a better understanding of investment through informative videos, articles, and interactive tools.

Security Options

To secure users’ financial information and assets. Investing apps must prioritize security features. Secure login, and fraud detection tools. Encrypted data transfer is an example of such a feature.

Investment Suggestions

Depending on one’s risk profile and investment objectives. Various financial software provides investment advice or even customized investment portfolios. It may assist users in making informed decisions about investment and portfolio diversification.

How to Monetize an Investment App?

The primary and ultimate goal of any app is to make it profitable. So that it can achieve the projected ROI. That is why, when planning, it is critical to include the best monetization tactics.

You can earn money for your app in a variety of ways.

Technology Stack for Investment App Development

The technologies chosen assure the stability and flexibility of your project. If you want to improve your app later, think about app architecture and technology first.

The technology stack is always determined by the demands and requirements of your project. It is preferable to speak with a development team while selecting a suitable technology stack.

To give you an idea, app development uses a common tech stack.


Programming language: Swift
Networking: Alamofire


Programming language: Kotlin
Networking: OkHttp 3


Programming language: Node.js
Framework: Express 4
Database: MySQL
API: Swagger


Signup: Amazon SES, Amazon SNS
Payment: Braintree
Push notifications: FCM
Storage: Amazon S3

What is a Mobile Investment App Development Cost?

The cost of developing an investment app might range between $690,000 and $98,000, depending on the functionality and features you want to incorporate.

When creating your app budget, examine all of the aspects that may affect the cost, such as app complexity, functionality, and so on.

You can begin with basic functions and gradually add more advanced ones.

Conclusion for Investment App Development

Creating an investment app may appear simple, but it is a difficult task to finish.

To keep your app ahead of the curve, you should evaluate every important aspect, feature, tech stack, functionality, and more.

To ensure that your app is effective and meets the promised ROI.

You need to employ an Investment app development firm with the necessary abilities and expertise to execute your project.

If you have something fresh and original to share regarding IOS investment app development, please leave a comment below.

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